Tinman Jones

Gravity Youth Era

The addition of Mark stared an exciting era in the history of Tinman Jones. One of the first orders of business for 2001 was to do what bands are meant to do. Write songs and make records. Producer Reid Waltz (Super Hero single) was enlisted again for a full length CD. The project was to include re-releases of the five songs from the EP Evidence with drum tracks re-recorded by Mark Toombs, and some extra flavors added. Six new songs were selected and recording dates set. The band camped out at "The Orchard" in Brentwood, TN, for nine days for an intense session of recording. After laying the tracks, Reid and his team worked their magic and Gravity Youth was born.

Gravity Youth hits the streets and is instantly embraced as it began flying off the table at concerts. But there were greater ambitions than dispensing these CDs to only concert goers. Every year the Christian music industry collects in Nashville, TN, for a week of showcases, press meetings and general schmoozing. With the whole industry being in one place it only made sense to send a delegation to promote Gravity Youth to the industry at large. Don and Keith took the task to make the trek to Music City to see what they could stir up. After many encounters and tons of CDs passed out to industry big wigs, Christian rock radio guru, Seth Holloway, was impressed with what he heard and decided to take the band on to see what he could do to get TMJ on the airwaves.

Seth worked the phones and got "I Will" in the hands of Christian rock stations across the country. Before long the song was climbing the charts and jumped to the top twenty, then continued to climb. "I Will" topped out at #6 in the nation according to R&R and stayed in the top 10 for ten weeks. The follow up release "Axis" found top twenty success making three songs on Gravity Youth (including "Super Hero" released as the single) that received national radio listening audience exposure. Naturally this opened many doors for the band through 2001 and into 2002.

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